What to See – Autumn & Spring
The timing of the flowering in Spring of individual species, and similarly the timing of the leaf colour change of the deciduous trees in Autumn will vary somewhat from year to year, depending on the variability of temperatures, rainfall, and the impacts of wind and storms which can detach autumn leaves from the trees.
The yellow leaves of the Golden Elm, Box Elder Maple, Ash trees and Silver Birch begin to appear.
Japanese Maples, Red Maples, Oak, and Copper Beech and many others show off their autumn orange and red leaves.
Yellow daffodils and Jonquils have their brief flowering period, Nerines, Narcissus, Camellias.
Prunus, Apricot, Weeping Cherries, Rhododendrons, Camellias.
Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Roses, Lavender, Daphne, Day Lilies.
Magnolia, Dogwood.