Charlotte’s Pass
This walking trail extends for some 500 metres above the southern perimeter of Breenhold, from the bottom of the Acer Steps to the junction of Point Road and The Sub-Alpine Way. For much of its length, on both sides are large areas of original native rain forest, with an abundance of tree ferns (Cyathea Australis), sassafras, coachwood and lilli pilli. The origins of these forests stretch back in time to the continent of Gondwana Land.
In late Spring, banks of shaped azalea bushes of all colours, flourish along the length of Charlotte’s Pass, providing a stunning display. Just past the Acer steps, on the low side of the pathway, is a bank of white azaleas. These were planted some 50 years ago, but for a long period were left to run wild, without pruning or other essential maintenance. In recent years this has been rectified, and now, each Spring, the slope is becoming a mass of white amongst the green at its edges.